[dba-Tech] Windows will rise again.

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Tue Jan 28 13:26:02 CST 2014

Hi All:

Microsoft has been set back seriously with it desktop PC. Is this a surprise...no, as it seems every second release borks...from Windows98 and on, so it really comes as no surprise. The concepts of Windows 8, I thought were pretty good, basically but unfortunately that concept was not articulated to the point where the average non techy could grasp. Most of the major proponents and evangelists of the Window8 project have left Microsoft as of late. (a purge?) 

What I am waiting for is Window9. Microsoft has always been able to pull it together, on the second try and I am expecting great things. Gesture controlled screen, from a distance, voice activation and control, easy connection and streaming to all hardware and appliances, unobtrusive solid security and so on.


I think, if true to form, Windows9 will be a success... Thoughts?


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