[dba-Tech] A new graphic program builder

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 18:16:55 CST 2014


I think that you dismiss flow-based-programming too quickly. I do not
dispute your contention that it's always good to know how to do it by hand.
Bur when was the last time you built a chesterfield? I personally have
never built one, but have refinished my beloved couch and chesterfield
twice. This I know how to do. The set was made by Koehler in 1856 (I've
researched this) and there's no way that I could emulate their skills. I
content myself with re-upholstering it every few decades. I've owned this
set of furniture since 1969 and plan never to replace it.


On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Salakhetdinov Shamil <mcp2004 at mail.ru>wrote:

>  Hi Jim --
> Actually, AFAIKR, the heated debate that time was about
> - hierarchical vs. network (CODASYL) databases (70-ies last century) and
> then
> - network (CODASYL) vs. relational databases (80-ies last century).
> And ISAM/VSAM (and even BDAM) were a "parallel" theme - file access
> methods to use to implement RDMBSes physical layers.
> There were a lot of research on distributed databases also in 80-ies as
> well as on parallel/multi-threaded programming.
> AFAIU Oracle got a lot from DB2 and other relational DB research projects
> of 80-ies.
> Nowadays NoSQL "movement" for Big Data manipulation is looking as "another
> circle of evolution spiral" (back to hierarchical/network databases) - so
> one can expect that relational databases will get back in even "bigger that
> nowadays Big Data Manipulation real business" in 30 years or less on
> another higher level of never ending evolution spiral...
> As for Flow-Based Programming - IMO that is a "birds view" or tip of
> iceberg of what an experienced modern programmer has(/is able) to do by
> hands. And the gap between what can be done by using Flow-Based Programming
> (Automation) and by hands will only grow with time. Just my opinion based
> on my own experience. I can be wrong.
> Thank you.
> -- Shamil
> Wednesday, January 29, 2014 5:31 PM -07:00 from Jim Lawrence <
> accessd at shaw.ca>:
> >Hi Shamil:
> >
> >I remember around the time Borland was totting their new product, which
> at the time I thought was impossible, by the way, there was a heated debate
> about whether ISAM and indexed flat-based files were going to be replaced
> by Oracle's new SQL server. We all now know what happened.
> >
> >Products will live and die as the capabilities, needs and understand
> grows. Whether it is the right time for Flow-Based Programming the market
> will tell but the concept is not going away. The only thing that is giving
> me some hope that there actually be a working version, at the end of the
> design phase, is the very strong team of developers, working on the project.
> >
> >Jim
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Salakhetdinov Shamil" < mcp2004 at mail.ru >
> >To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" <
> dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com >
> >Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:58:44 AM
> >Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] A new graphic program builder
> >
> > Hi Jim et All --
> >
> >I'm sorry to be rather skeptical on all that "new way" visual "logic
> drawing-driven" "rapid application development" tools - have a look:
> >
> >"by CBR Staff Writer| 12 February 1991
> >... In another age the product might have been described as an expert
> system, but the buzz word now is Object and the product offers visual
> programming techniques to enable users to stipulate objects and processes
> via drawings..."
> http://www.cbronline.com/news/borland_objectvision_makes_writing_windows_programs_easy
> >
> >Do you remember it - Borland Object Vision? I do.
> >
> >And before that around year 1981 last century there was
> >
> >"Application Development Without Programmers"
> >James Martin (Author)
> http://www.amazon.com/Application-Development-Without-Programmers-Martin/dp/0130389439
> >
> >Did you read it? I did. And I did read it on that ancient now times. It
> was exciting reading... that time.
> >
> >And the "Application Development Without Programmers" was published a few
> years *after* this well known book:
> >
> >"The Mythical Man-Month" by Fred Brooks
> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month
> >
> >Did you read it? I did. And I did read it nearly the same time as I did
> read the "Application Development Without Programmers" book somewhere in
> the beginning of 80-ies of last century. (NB: that were ex-USSR times here,
> mainstream/bestselling there on "wild West" books were available here, but
> sometimes with considerable delay.)
> >
> >And somewhere in the beginning of 90-ies there was the "The Computer
> Revolution in Software System Development" (
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/The_Computer_Revolution/Software/System_Development) - all kinds of software design case systems: does anybody of you using
> something like that in your everyday software development work?
> >
> >----
> >Resume: there exists "something" elusive, subtle, intangible,
> imponderable, evasive, vague, volatile, subtle, inappreciable, impalpable -
> sorry for my English - select any word, which you suppose is better
> highlighting "never ending, durable software development crisis" issue..
> there exists something, which will always make the "new ways of
> programming" getting obsolete rather quick. And this "something" is
> "Governing in details" (
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_is_in_the_detail ), which will always
> require 80% of software projects development time to be spent on to keep
> competing in this accelerating world...
> >
> >-- Shamil
> >
> >
> >Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7:59 PM -07:00 from Jim Lawrence <
> accessd at shaw.ca >:
> >>Hi All:
> >>
> >>For all you developers out there a new way of programming. Check out
> NoFlo another application that has reached (and surpassed) it financial
> goal and now is in full development on Kickstarter...another startup
> program out of San-Francisco.
> >>
> >>
> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noflo/noflo-development-environment?ref=category
> >>
> >>Check this out and what do you think?
> >>
> >>Jim
> >>
> >>PS It is OSS
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>
> >
> --
> Салахетдинов Шамиль
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