[dba-Tech] Browser related question

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Fri Jun 13 04:42:31 CDT 2014

Hi Mark:

That does sound strange but I would think that modern web application can actually hone in on your IP or Mac address on your router. I would suspect if your new computer was a laptop and you had first booted it up at some coffee shop the system would not have been able to identify you...I do not know whether this is true but that is my theory.

BTW Nice computer. :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Breen" <marklbreen at gmail.com>
To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 1:09:26 AM
Subject: [dba-Tech] Browser related question

Hello All,

I installed Linux last night on a new PC.  Formatted it and installed and
went to bed.  All rest of family already gone to bed.

Powered on this morning, logged into a couple of my gmail accounts.  Only

then opened facebook and when I clicked into the Username box, I was
offered a DDL with my wifes email address.  As if it was a recently used

Because it is a scary looking machine with the cover off, and because it is
linux, and because I asked her, I am 100% sure she did not even notice the

So the question is, how does Firefox / facebook know that the email address
is associated with this house.  Cannot be associated with the pc because
the pc is new.

I have noticed the same thing happening on other PC's of mine, I sometimes
see people that I know, but never met as DDL's in the list login names.  I
guess it is browser related but it weirds me out.

I thought it may have been using recent people I have emailed, but this PC
is only a few hours old, so I am really surprised.

Any thoughts ?

BTW, it is an i7 proc, and the machine is totally silent.  No moving parts
at all.  Running at 43 degrees C.

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