[dba-Tech] Attaching 14 Monitors on Windows 8.1 with USB

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Wed May 21 02:24:41 CDT 2014

 Hello Mark --

What 29 inch DELL monitor do you use there?

How about this one? Anybody?

Dell UltraSharp U2913WM - LED monitor - 29" - with 3-Years Advanced Exchange Warranty 

Thank you.

-- Shamil

Sun, 6 Apr 2014 16:12:19 +0100 from Mark Breen <marklbreen at gmail.com>:
>Hello Shamil,
>a few years ago, I added two graphics cards to my pc and ran with 3/4
>monitors for while.  Four was two much, but I used three for a few years.
>2 x 27inch and 1 x 24 inch.
>About a year ago I bought a new dell 29inch monitor that displays 2650 by
>1080.  That means that I have have SSMS and a browser all on the same
>screen in parallel.  Since I bought this monitor, I removed the other thee
>and now only run on screen on my desk.
>I prefer the fresh air now rather than being cluttered with three screens,
>if I want to work on two items, I hit Win Key and left arrow and use the
>right hand side of the screen.
>just my experiences.
>On 5 April 2014 19:31, Salakhetdinov Shamil < mcp2004 at mail.ru > wrote:
>>  Hi All --
>> FYI: I have just got impressed with that - dreaming to get four-five
>> monitors "armored" laptop here:
>>  http://plugable.com/2014/03/10/attaching-14-monitors-on-windows-8-1-with-usb-2-0
>> --
>> Салахетдинов Шамиль

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