[dba-Tech] Comparing JavaScript frameworks

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Aug 17 10:26:01 CDT 2015

Hi Arthur

If for nothing else (I don't think that article tells much, it's rather a note) you could go with AngularJS because it works well with Typescript which you further can use with Visual Studio to obtain IntelliSense.


There also exist video tutorials on the subject: 



-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dba-Tech [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne af Arthur Fuller
Sendt: 17. august 2015 17:06
Til: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: [dba-Tech] Comparing JavaScript frameworks

I just finished reading a brief comparison <https://jaxenter.com/choosing-the-right-javascript-framework-119415.html>
of three JS framwworks: Angular, BackBone and Ember. My JS experience is decidedly limited and I haven't used any of the numerous framwwrks. So I thought to poll you guys for experience, preferences, etc.

Suggestions gratefully received.


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