[dba-Tech] The likes of which I've never seen before

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Oct 5 13:24:25 CDT 2015

Hi Tina

No, an "update" wouldn't make sense. Create a backup of what you wish to keep and then do a clean install wiping the disk completely.

You must have 30 GB of disk space and 2+ GB ram. Also, a decent graphic adapter.
I think somewhere from Microsoft you can download a tool "get ready for Windows 8" or 10 that checks the hardware.
Also be prepared for some challenges if your machine contains special devices.

I also replaced the old harddrive with an SSD - that makes wonders!


Fra: dba-Tech <dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com> på vegne af Tina Norris Fields <tinanfields at torchlake.com>
Sendt: 5. oktober 2015 19:52
Til: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Emne: Re: [dba-Tech] The likes of which I've never seen before


Does Windows 10 successfully update onto a Windows XP SP-3 machine? I've
been considering migrating my 2005 Inspiron 9400 from Win XP to Win 10,
so I would have a Win 7, Win 8, and Win 10 stable of boxen. If you
successfully updated Win 10 on a 10-year old HP Pavilion, I'm tempted to
try it.  I'm starting to hear from people who want help learning Win
10.  I was going to wait until a year or so went by so I'd know Win 10
was stable.


Tina Norris Fields

On 10/05/15 11:30 AM, Gustav Brock wrote:
> Hi John
> Don't blame me. I didn't ask for the reinvention of the Start Menu. It was people like you who did.
> The Start Screen of Windows 8 was great. You had both the larger tiles for frequently used applications and the other pane with the small tiles for everything installed.
> That said, you must meet any new system with a positive attitude. If not, you can make anything to fall behind.
> So, not a fan of the new Start Mess, I have decided to adopt for Windows 10. In any other way, it works absolutely great, it runs an all our home and office machines now, and for every machine to the better - from my ten years old HP Pavilion, my two ThinkStations, two Fujitsu desktops, the Surface Pro 2, to our two new Lenovo Yoga 2-1051 (amazing Atom-powered machines, by the way). It is the future, and looking back serves no purpose.
> /gustav

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