[dba-Tech] 365 question

Martin Reid mwp.reid at qub.ac.uk
Fri Apr 1 06:44:25 CDT 2016


In my mind

365 is the service name. The service contains different subscriptions. The apps ate just that apps. Word Apo etc

From: Gustav Brock<mailto:gustav at cactus.dk>
Sent: ‎01/‎04/‎2016 12:37
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues<mailto:dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] 365 question

Hi Susan

I can see it is "Online", not "OnLine", sorry:

1. I click the tile with the nine small squares.
2. The pane folds out with tiles holding the apps' simple names.
3. I click, say, Word.
4. Word opens. Top-left it is labelled: Word Online

Similar for the other applications.

Speak about writing books. My sister writes poetry (yes, no April fool) and has, in fact, sold more than 100k copies - which in this small country is quite a lot for this genre - without hardly making a cent. What makes some money is only the side effects: lectures etc. at cultural events of various types. So, to live, she works as a freelance accountant(!)


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dba-Tech [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne af Susan Harkins
Sendt: 1. april 2016 12:47
Til: 'Discussion of Hardware and Software issues' <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: Re: [dba-Tech] 365 question

Gustav, thanks for responding. I don't see the same thing when I sign into the online/cloud version.  I'm running 2016, and the name in the top left is Office 365. The individual apps are their simple names -- no Online included anywhere. That's what the editor wants to use, but with the Web Apps out there,  I don't want readers to infer that I'm including those.

MS uses the terms "Office suite" and "Office online."
https://products.office.com/en-us/business/office-365-enterprise-e3-business-software -- notice the lower case for suite and online, so these terms aren't names, but we could go this route, but I don't care for them -- I think suite is ambiguous and online is a bit too broad.

Gustav, I never stopped writing about Office. I just don't write books about children or software anymore -- I'd starve. :) At one time, books sold well and authors made money, but not anymore. There are too many books (often bad) and too many people willing to write them for promises and really bad contracts.

Susan H.

Hi Susan

The name would be Excel OnLine. At least that is what it is labelled when you select Excel from the top-left "squares" menu and the Excel page opens.

By the way, I thought you had devoted yourself to writing books for children. Nice to see you are back in the game!


An editor and I are trying to clarify terms for Office 365 apps. I've been using Office 2016 and 365 to distinguish between the installed and cloud apps, but she thinks 365 is the wrong term because 365 is the subscription name. I agree about the latter, but MS uses the term Office 365 when you sign into the cloud apps, so I thought readers would understand the distinction. We do want to be as correct as possible.

How are you guys referencing these?

Susan H

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