[dba-Tech] Angular Attack event

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Mon Mar 21 18:11:01 CDT 2016

 Hi All --

Have you seen this announcement -   angularattack.com ?

I'm currently planning to participate in this event. 
Here is the list of technologies I'm planning to use:

- MS Windows (10 Pro and/or Server 2012R Standard),
- IIS (iis.net/)
- VS 2015 Community Edition (visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-community-vs.aspx),
- Git and Github (github.com),
- MongoDB (mongodb.com),
- Express (expressjs.com),
- Angular 2 (angular.io),
- NodeJS (nodejs.org),
- Typescript (typescriptlang.org),
- Bootstrap (getbootstrap.com),
- Jade (HTML - jade-lang.com),
- SASS (sass-lang.com),
- ElasticSearch (elastic.co),
- Yeoman (yeoman.io),
- Gulp (gulpjs.com),
- Bower (bower.io)
- LoopBack (loopback.io),
- .NET Framework (microsoft.com/net),
- Edge.js (tjanczuk.github.io/edge/#/),
- MS SQL Express (microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/products/sql-server-editions/sql-server-express.aspx),
- Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable (microsoft.com/en-nz/download/details.aspx?id=13255&wa=wsignin1.0)

Do you have any ideas/proposal what tiny web app can be developed (in a form of a throw-away but functional prototype) within 48 hours of Angular Attack hackaton by a team of max 4 members?

I'm currently considering to setup on a hosted VM the development/runtime environment involving most of the listed above technologies.
I must note I have almost no experience with most of them.

The first template/seed app I"m planning to use is the following  http://www.sitepoint.com/building-recipe-search-site-angular-elasticsearch/  .
When it's ready  (within a couple of weeks hopefully) and is running with its sample data openrecip.es then I'd plan the next step.

Any ideas and proposals are very welcome!

Thank you.

Салахетдинов Шамиль

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