[dba-Tech] Simple online entry form solution

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 06:02:05 CST 2018

That was one of the OT crew suggestions too. I don't know php but don't mind learning enough of it to make that happen. My one consideration is that this is a pro bono project for a nonprofit. They need something that I can show them how to support it when I'm not available -- if I can come up with one. 

Thank you!
Susan H. 

On 2/6/2018 21:07, Susan Harkins wrote:
> I'm currently looking for a very simple way to solicit data from very 
> unsavvy users. I have OneDrive for Business but I've found Excel 
> Online Forms very limited. I need to limit responses using dropdowns. 
> Also, I can't figure out how to edit a form once I've saved and shared it.
> Or either of these possible?
> I'm also looking at Googles Spreadsheet. I've got a script that will 
> let me create a form based on the sheet, but again, I need populated 
> dropdowns -- and I don't know if the form will pick up on those. I haven't tried yet.
> The 365 Excel Online Form would probably be the easiest and quickest 
> route for me if I can generate dropdowns and edit the forms as needed.
> Looking for suggestions. Thanks!


They're a snap in PHP. This one grabs its dropdown entries from MySQL but it's every bit as easy writing to MSSQL ...

|<script type='text/Javascript'>
     function submit( f ) {
$conn = mysqli_connnect(...);
$resfoo = mysqli_query( $conn, "SELECT foo FROM footable" )
           or exit( "Cannot retrieve foo values" ); echo "<b>Foo Value:</b> n"; echo " <select name='foo' onChange='submit(this.form)'>n"; while( $row = mysqli_fetch_row( $resfoo )) { $sel = ( $table === $row[0] ) ? "id='sel' selected" : ""; printf( " <option %s value='%s'>%s</option>n", $sel, $row[0], $row[0] ); } echo " </select>n"; echo " <input id='edit' type='button' value='Pick a foo' onClick='submit(this.form)'>n"; ?>|



> Susan H.
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