[dba-Tech] Simple online entry form solution

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Feb 7 14:24:55 CST 2018

This Quora post crossed my desk the other day.

You could subsititue Access/VBA for PHP in the comments and it would repeat what we have 
all been saying for years :)
Typical response:
<begin quote>
"PHP is so simple for any developer (someone who´s already learned programming itself) to 
learn that it´s gotten such a bad reputation - because people with no idea of how to build 
websites can build garbage with PHP."

It's so easy to get started with PHP that a lot of people just do that and produce a lot of 
amateur code, leading to a bad reputation not only of the language, but also of the people 
writing in it.
<end quote>


On 7 Feb 2018 at 11:22, Peter Brawley wrote:

> On 2/7/2018 6:02, Susan Harkins wrote:
> > That was one of the OT crew suggestions too. I don't know php but
> > don't mind learning enough of it to make that happen. My one
> > consideration is that this is a pro bono project for a nonprofit.
> > They need something that I can show them how to support it when I'm
> > not available -- if I can come up with one.
> PHP has the quickest learning curve of any language I know. Most web
> hosting companies support it.
> PB
> -----

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