[dba-Tech] VoltDB and its treatment of RAM on multiple servers

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Tue Feb 20 00:29:20 CST 2018


PS I could suggest that you check out the Framework Apache Flink:


It is basically a structure that allow processing (CPU core and RAM use) across a network or cluster...ideal for Cloud computing. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "accessd" <accessd at shaw.ca>
To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 9:37:20 PM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] VoltDB and its treatment of RAM on multiple servers

You have to pick one of then most complex subjects on computers these days. There are a few applications that are free and OS for your Linux computer. One is MPI...a very old application:

To do this the program(s) accessing the CPU/RAM resources must be specifically designed to access said resources. A system set up in this manner is called a cluster, and the typical way resources are shared is with a protocol called MPI (message passing interface). It is a free download and using it with Linux can yield a powerful cluster (possibly even a super computer) for minimal cost, but again it is useless unless you have programs that were specifically designed to take advantage of MPI. There are some good cluster tutorials out there, if you are still interested you should check one out.


Then there is PVM3 or Parallel Virtual Machine, version 3. Here is where to download the package:


Then there is applications under full development like (Very interesting):


I have tried some of these products that allow the file system to extend to all RAM and/or hard drive space but have consistently run into issues that I could not find a solution for. It all boiled down to older and limited computers being added to a cluster. It became an issue of huge backups and restoring which took days... OTOH, I learned how to effectively do backups properly and now have twice as much hardware dedicated to backing up the network as in the network. Of course if someone wanted to give me $50K and let me have a free month... ;-)

If you wanted to run an application that requires a substantial amount of RAM, it would be better to use a Cloud based source that has all that functionality built right in. I would recommend that you use the services of DigitalOcean as there is no fixed amount of resources...you pay for what you use and for the amount of time you use it. I know of some companies doing testing of their application on DO and only do testing for an hour or two. Example: 192GB RAM, 32CPUs and 12TB of SSD (plus high-speed bandwidth) is $1.43 an hour...then there is optimized Droplets with compute optimized virtual machines with dedicated hyper-threads from best in class Intel CPUs for CPU Intensive applications like CI/CD, video encoding, machine learning, ad serving, batch processing and active front-end web servers...less RAM and HD space but only 0.95 per hour. I know of no other Cloud provider that gives that level of graduation. 

If VoltDB was written in one of the distributive optimized languages then it could use multi-cores across a network:


The old favourites like Erlang and the modern GO are two such programming languages. I do think that Gustav and Shamil might have some more insights into this environment as well.

* I do have another possible solution but will send you the information off line.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur Fuller" gmail.com>
To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2018 8:48:37 AM
Subject: [dba-Tech] VoltDB and its treatment of RAM on multiple servers

VoltDB, the (relatively) new database from Michael Stonebraker, intended
for in-RAM databases needing to perform 50K+ transactions per second, has
some way of treating a bunch of servers as a logical unit. IOW, 8 servers
each equipped with 64GB of RAM can be regarded as a single 512GB unit of
RAM. I understand how this approach can work with hard disks, but I have no
clue how to make it work with RAM. Do you?

The documentation and even packaging of VoltDB suggests that its ideal
hardware environment is Linux (since the Windows version is installed and
run using Docker). I don't know enough about Linux to know whether this
"union" of servers' RAM is built-in or an innovation provided within
VoltDB. (Speak up, Jim and other Linux gurus!)

Whatever the answer, I can't see this working with the typical mix of
Windows boxes most of us, other than the thick wallets, being able to
cobble this together, especially since those of us with multiple boxes
typically run different versions on different boxes, so we can support
clients running various versions of Windows, Access, SQL, Office, etc. Add
to that the problem that on Windows VoltDB runs only in Docker. So I think
this is a strictly-Linux solution.

Assuming that I'm correct (Linux-only), I'm still faced with the problem of
how to implement it. Assume modest hardware, say three boxes of varying
vintage each running the same version of Linux, and all connected. Further
assume that as yet, VoltDB is not installed. Is it possible to treat their
collective RAM as a single logical unit of RAM? If so, how so?

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