[dba-VB] OT - HTML & ASP Help Required

Jim Lawrence (AccessD) accessd at shaw.ca
Thu May 6 20:13:02 CDT 2004

Hi Paul:

There are a whole wack of issues that may not allow your code to run.

The first thing to do is to make sure that have your virtual site set up.

1. This is done through your IIS, 'Default Web Site'. (This is your base
site template.)
2. Go to the 'Home directory' tab, Configuration button, application mapping
and make sure the '.asp' extension is mapped. Assuming that the '.asp'
extension is displayed and the appropriate 'asp.dll' is there...you can
check the directories to be overly careful.
3. Double click, to see if all HTML processes are activated 'POST,GET,
4. Then the 'Application' Option tab and make sure VBScript is the default.
(Not necessary but let's keep things simple.)
5. On the 'Home Directory' tab, make sure that the 'Execute Permission' has
'Script Only' selected, at least.
6. On your 'Documents' tab, if you are starting your website, running an asp
file, you have to add something like 'index.asp' or 'default.asp'. (This is
only done if you do not want have to key in the start file (index.asp) every
7. If you are not logging into the server through a networked station, in
order to run a locally stored web page, you have to access it like:
'http://localhost/MyWebSiteDirectory/index.asp'. (Note if you are accessing
the web site, on your server, from your network station, use something like:
8. Make sure you website directories 'everyone' permission, READ should be
good enough.

This is a start. If that does not work we can try more.

-----Original Message-----
From: dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of
paul.hartland at fsmail.net
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 1:12 AM
To: dba-vb
Subject: [dba-VB] OT - HTML & ASP Help Required

To all,

Being a complete novice to HTML & ASP I bought myself a couple of books on
the subjects and have been playing around with a test logon page for our
company.  I have the HTML code (as below) saved as default.htm on a Windows
2000 server with IIS installed in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot directory along
with the ASP code which is saved as checklogin.asp in the same directory.
On my Windows 98 machine at home with Personal Web Server (PWS) installed it
runs fine, however when trying to run it on our server in the office it just
displays the ASP code when the checklogin.asl page is called, and if you try
it from a desktop it comes up with a you are about to download
checklogin.asp page.

Has anyone any ideas whats wrong, or can point me to a list on HTML and ASP

default.htm code below:
<TITLE>Orridge Reporting Logon</TITLE>
<BODY Background="Niceblue.jpg">
            <H1><I><FONT FACE="Century" COLOR="WHITE">Orridge & Co. Internet
Reporting System</FONT></I></H1>
            <H3><FONT FACE="Century" COLOR="WHITE"><I>Enter Username &
Password Below</I></FONT></H2>
            <HR WIDTH="100%">
            <FORM METHOD=Post ACTION="CheckLogin.asp">
            <FONT FACE="Courier New" COLOR="BLACK"><B>Username:</B></FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="Username" SIZE="30">
            <FONT FACE="Courier New" COLOR="BLACK"><B>Password:</B></FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=Password NAME="Password" SIZE="30">
            <INPUT TYPE=Reset NAME="Reset" VALUE="Reset"> <INPUT TYPE=Submit
NAME="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
            <HR WIDTH="100%">

checklogin.asp code is below:
<% Option Explicit %>

<!--#Include Virtual="/ADOVBS.INC"-->
            Dim objConn
            Dim objRs
            Dim strSQL
            Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
            objConn.ConnectionString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)}; " & _


            Set objRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE Username = '" &
Request.Form("Username") & "'"
            objRs.Open strSQL, objConn

            If (objRs.EOF) Then
                        Response.Write "<A HREF='Default.HTM'>"
                        Response.Write "User Not Registered."
                        Response.Write "</A>"
                        Response.Write "<A HREF='Default.HTM'>"
                        Response.Write "User Found."
                        Response.Write "</A>"
            End If

            Set objRs = Nothing
            Set objConn = Nothing

Thanks in advance for any help.

Paul Hartland


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