[dba-VB] RSS Feed database

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 24 11:47:20 CDT 2005

I have a rough mdb that reads various MS programming (VB.Net C# Net) RSS 
feeds and placed in tables, just did it as a proof of concept.
I just didn't feel like running it daily to keep it uptodate. never 
found a way tokeep it uptodate or if Ms had an archive.
I did this a year ago maybe there is something now.

Never fully fleshed it out. If you want a copy, I'll have to check it 
still works.

I have also done things like this that can be done better now through 
RSS Viewers.
' grabs BBC Tech News feed transforms RSS xml via XSLT in XSL file and 
displays in IE window
'But it doesn't require much code.
If you do use this,snaffle the xsl file off my website and use locally 
it will be quicker.
Save the XSL in notepad with UTF-8 format.

Sub BBCRSSFeed()
Dim srcTree As Object
Dim xsltTree As Object
Dim strHTML As String
 Set srcTree = CreateObject("Msxml.DOMDocument")
        srcTree.async = False
 'srcTree.Load ("http://services.devx.com/outgoing/recentTipsFeed.xml")
 Set xsltTree = CreateObject("Msxml.DOMDOCUMENT")
        xsltTree.async = False
        'this xsl transform file can also be loaded via a local disk file
        xsltTree.Load ("http://www5.brinkster.com/mconnelly/newsfeed.xsl")

        strHTML = srcTree.transformNode(xsltTree)
        Debug.Print strHTML
        ' Display transformed xml rss news feed in html via IE 6.0 window
        testIE (strHTML)
End Sub
Sub testIE(strpassHTML As String)

Dim objExplorer As Object
Dim objDocument As Object
Dim strComputer As String

Dim strReturn As String

Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
objExplorer.Toolbar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Width = 800
objExplorer.Height = 570
objExplorer.Left = 0
objExplorer.Top = 0
objExplorer.Visible = 1
'dont't need to navigate to file or http site like below
'just drop html string created from xslt into the IE document object
'objExplorer.Navigate "file://c:\temp\test.html"
'objExplorer.Navigate "http://www.Viescas.com/"
'objExplorer.Navigate ""
'objExplorer.Navigate "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"
Do While (objExplorer.Busy)
Dim webtx As String
Dim strHTML As String
Set objDocument = objExplorer.Document
objDocument.Writeln "<html><head><title>My BBC Technology RSS 
'A little bit of CSS code to make it funky
objDocument.Writeln "<body bgcolor='red';" & _
    " {   background-attachment: fixed; background-position: 97% bottom; 
" & _
      "  background-image= 'url(logoBackGround.gif)';background-repeat: 
no-repeat;" & _
       " padding: 5px;font-family='Georgia';font-size: 80%;} >"
objDocument.Writeln "<table width='100%'>"
objDocument.Writeln "<tr>"
objDocument.Writeln "<td width='20%'><b>BBC Feed</b></td>"
objDocument.Writeln "</tr>"
objDocument.Writeln "</table>"
objDocument.Writeln strpassHTML
objDocument.Writeln "</body></html>"
'MsgBox "finished"
Set objExplorer = Nothing
Set objDocument = Nothing

End Sub

John W. Colby wrote:

>Do I have no takers helping me get this thing working?  The end result will
>be a system for logging an RSS feed into data tables for analysis or use.
>Could be niiiice.  ;-)
>I have made good progress, I have a database set up in SQL Server
>specifically for this project.  I have the tables built per the script
>included in the C# zip.  There are two records in the WebNewsSource table.
>I am logging in to the database.  The issue at this point is that the SP
>that is supposed to return the rows in the database apparently doesn't.
>The SP looks like:
>-- Stored procedure that will select an existing row from the table
>-- based on the Primary Key.
>-- Gets: @ID int
>CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[upWebNewsSource_SelectOne]
>	@ID int
>-- SELECT an existing row from the table.
>	[ID],
>	[Source],
>	[RSSSelect],
>	[RSSTitle],
>	[RSSLink],
>	[RSSDescription]
>FROM [dbo].[WebNewsSource]
>	[ID] = @ID
>How do I go about just running the SP passing in an ID and viewing the
>John W. Colby
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Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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