martyconnelly at
Mon Jul 25 11:48:20 CDT 2005
I don't know if you are using ado streams to ouput or input an ado recordset as an xml file but here is some really rough test code I was running from Access97. I was using to debug Google's desktop search engines output of UTF-8 xml via Access There is code here to check the proper BOM marker on XML and also convert the output xml from the ado stream to different encoding types UTF-8, Unicode, ISO-8859-1, Big-5 etc. I also use this method to convert xml files to and fro from UTF-8 to UTF-16 encoding. UTF-8 being a mangled compression of UTF-16 with one caveat if the original xml characters aren't properly escaped such as Windows typographical chars they will be dropped by the conversion. This is a problem with the XML google pumps out. especially with international chars. Maybe there are enough notes to puzzle it out or give you somethings to consider. Sub ReadFileInUTF16() '1 LoadFromFile snippet Dim stm As Dim strPath As String strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) Set stm = New stm.Open stm.LoadFromFile strPath & "encUTF16.xml" MsgBox stm.ReadText End Sub Sub SaveFileinUTF8() '2 SaveToFile snippet Dim stm As Dim strPath As String strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) Set stm = New stm.Open stm.Charset = "UTF-8" stm.LoadFromFile strPath & "encUTF8.xml" stm.SaveToFile strPath & "test.xml", adSaveCreateOverWrite End Sub Sub ReadSaveFileInUTF8() '1/2 ReadToFile / SaveToFile snippet Dim stm As Dim strPath As String strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) Set stm = New stm.Open stm.Charset = "UTF-8" stm.LoadFromFile strPath & "encUTF8.xml" stm.SaveToFile strPath & "test.xml", adSaveCreateOverWrite End Sub Sub TranlateToUTF8() '3 charset snippet 'ERROR Don't Use this code, just to expose the google error Dim stm As Dim strPath As String strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) Set stm = New stm.Open stm.LoadFromFile strPath & "encUTF16.xml" stm.Charset = "UTF-8" stm.SaveToFile strPath & "test.xml", adSaveCreateOverWrite End Sub Sub PersistStreamToXML() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim stm As Dim strPath As String strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & CurrentDb.Name & ";" Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblTest", cnn Set stm = New rst.Save stm, adPersistXML rst.Close Set rst = Nothing MsgBox stm.Charset stm.SaveToFile strPath & "test.xml", adSaveCreateOverWrite Set stm = Nothing End Sub Sub ReadUTF8SaveFileInUTF16test() '1/2 ReadToFile / SaveToFile snippet ' Dim stm As Dim strPath As String Dim strData As String strPath = GetPath(CurrentDb.Name) Set stm = New stm.Open stm.Charset = "UTF-8" stm.Position = 0 stm.Type = adTypeText 'stm.LoadFromFile strPath & "encUTF8.xml" stm.LoadFromFile "C:\XML\Gil Encodings\UTF-8 encoded XML\Xm8w\XM8\XM8_UTF_vb\XM8_UTF_vb.xml" ' if you just try and dump out stream ' without reading and writing you get double BOM stm.Position = 0 strData = stm.ReadText() Debug.Print strData stm.Position = 0 stm.Charset = "Unicode" ' "Unicode" '"ascii" '"Big5" '"hebrew" stm.WriteText (strData) stm.SaveToFile strPath & "test16.xml", adSaveCreateOverWrite stm.Close Set stm = Nothing End Sub ' ReadUTF8SaveFileInUTF16 "C:\XML\Gil Encodings\UTF-8 encoded XML\Xm8w\XM8\XM8_UTF_vb\XM8_UTF_vb.xml", ' ReadUTF8SaveFileInUTF16 "C:\XML\Gil Encodings\XM8_UTF_vb.xml","C:\XML\Gil Encodings\test16.xml" Sub ReadUTF8SaveFileInUTF16(strFileIn As String, strFileOut As String) '1/2 ReadToFile / SaveToFile snippet ' 'used ado 2.7 Dim stm As Dim strPath As String Dim strData As String 'the character set encoding names for the machine are in the registry 'For a list of the character set strings that is known by a system, see 'the subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset 'in the Windows Registry. Set stm = New stm.Open stm.Charset = "UTF-8" 'input file character set stm.Position = 0 stm.Type = adTypeText ' stm.LoadFromFile strFileIn ' if you just try and dump out stream ' without reading and writing you get double BOM stm.Position = 0 'reset to beginning of stream Dim strDataout strData = stm.ReadText() ' line below used to change encoding instruction for xml files ' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?> 'strData = Replace(strData, "utf-8", "UTF-16", 1, 1) strData = Replace(strData, "utf-8", "UTF-16", 1, 1) Debug.Print strData stm.Position = 0 ' set output file character set stm.Charset = "UTF-16" ' "Unicode" '"iso-8859-1" "ascii" '"Big5" '"hebrew" stm.WriteText (strData) stm.SaveToFile strFileOut, adSaveCreateOverWrite stm.Close Set stm = Nothing End Sub Public Function Replace(strIn As Variant, strFind As String, _ strReplace As String, Optional intStart As Integer = 1, _ Optional intCount As Integer = -1, _ Optional intCompare As Integer = 0) As String '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Inputs: String to search and replace, ' search string, replacement string, ' optional starting position (default = 1), ' optional replacement limit (default = -1 .. ALL) ' optional string compare value (default = 0 .. vbBinaryCompare) ' Outputs: Replaced string ' Created By: JLV 09/05/01 ' Last Revised: JLV 09/05/01 ' ** Duplicates the functionality of the VB 6 REPLACE function. '----------------------------------------------------------- Dim strWork As String, intS As Integer, intCnt As Integer Dim intI As Integer, intLenF As Integer, intLenR As Integer If (intCompare < 0) Or (intCompare > 2) Then Err.Raise 5 Exit Function End If If VarType(strIn) <> vbString Then Err.Raise 5 Exit Function End If strWork = strIn intS = intStart intCnt = intCount intLenF = Len(strFind) intLenR = Len(strReplace) ' If find string zero length or count is zero, then nothing to replace If (intLenF = 0) Or (intCnt = 0) Then Replace = strIn Exit Function End If ' If start beyond length of string, return empty string If intS > Len(strWork) Then Replace = "" Exit Function End If ' Got some work to do -- find strings to replace Do intI = InStr(intS, strWork, strFind, intCompare) If intI = 0 Then Exit Do ' Insert the replace string strWork = Left(strWork, intI - 1) & strReplace & Mid(strWork, intI + intLenF) intS = intS + intI + intLenR - 1 ' Bump start to end of the replace string intCnt = intCnt - 1 ' Decrement the max replace counter Loop Until intCnt = 0 Replace = strWork End Function Public Function GetPath(ByVal strFilePath As String) As String Dim s As String Dim i As Integer For i = Len(strFilePath) To 1 Step -1 s = Mid$(strFilePath, i, 1) If StrComp(s, "\", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then GetPath = Left$(strFilePath, i) Exit For End If Next End Function Sub CheckBOM(Optional strFileIn As Variant, Optional strIn As Variant) 'checkbom "C:\XML\Gil Encodings\encUTF8_NoDecl.xml" On Error GoTo Err_handler Dim strInputData As String * 4 Dim lpBuffer() As Byte Dim intFreeFile As Integer If Not IsMissing(strFileIn) Then intFreeFile = FreeFile Open strFileIn For Binary Access Read Lock Read As #intFreeFile Len = 4 ReDim lpBuffer(4) Get #intFreeFile, , lpBuffer Close #intFreeFile ElseIf Not IsMissing(strIn) Then 'Can't makes this work since VBA is always converting the string to UTF-16LE lpBuffer = Left$(strIn, 4) Else MsgBox "Nothing To Do" Exit Sub End If If lpBuffer(0) = 255 And lpBuffer(1) = 254 Then Debug.Print "File is UTF-16 Little Endian" ElseIf lpBuffer(0) = 254 And lpBuffer(1) = 255 Then Debug.Print "File is UTF-16 Big Endian" ElseIf lpBuffer(0) = 239 And lpBuffer(1) = 187 And lpBuffer(2) = 191 Then Debug.Print "File is UTF-8" 'Start trying to figure out by other means this will only work on xml files that start with "<?" ElseIf lpBuffer(0) = 60 And lpBuffer(1) = 0 And lpBuffer(2) = 63 And lpBuffer(3) = 0 Then Debug.Print "File is UTF-16 Little Endian" ElseIf lpBuffer(0) = 0 And lpBuffer(1) = 60 And lpBuffer(2) = 0 And lpBuffer(3) = 63 Then Debug.Print "File is UTF-16 Big Endian" ElseIf lpBuffer(0) = 69 And lpBuffer(1) = 63 Then Debug.Print "File can be in UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859-?, Shift-JIS, etc" Else Debug.Print "Can't seem to figure out the Character encoding" End If Err_Exit: On Error Resume Next Close #intFreeFile Exit Sub Err_handler: Select Case Err.Number Case Else MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description End Select Resume Err_Exit: End Sub Public Function EncodeToUTF8(lngUCS_dec As Long) As String 'This algorith was avaible in Dim bytOne As Byte Dim bytTwo As Byte Dim bytThree As Byte If lngUCS_dec < 128 Then bytOne = lngUCS_dec EncodeToUTF8 = CStr("0x" & Hex(bytOne)) ElseIf lngUCS_dec >= 128 And lngUCS_dec < 2048 Then bytOne = 192 + (lngUCS_dec \ 64) bytTwo = 128 + (lngUCS_dec Mod 64) EncodeToUTF8 = CStr("0x" & Hex(bytOne) & Hex(bytTwo)) ElseIf lngUCS_dec >= 2048 And lngUCS_dec < 65536 Then bytOne = 224 + (lngUCS_dec \ 4096) bytTwo = 128 + ((lngUCS_dec \ 64) Mod 64) bytThree = 128 + (lngUCS_dec Mod 64) EncodeToUTF8 = CStr("0x" & Hex(bytOne) & Hex(bytTwo) & Hex(bytThree)) Else MsgBox "Character Out of Range" End If End Function John W. Colby wrote: >Well I made my base SysVar structure serializable and created a SerializeOut >and SerializeIn in the SysVar collection class and voila, exports / imports >of sysvars to XML files. Cool stuff. This means that I can now store >SysVars in either an MDB or XML files. > >It "only" took FOUR days to figure all this stuff out starting with working >VBA ADO classes in Access. One more class and I will have the full SysVar >functionality that I had inside of VBA. The upside though is that learning >how to read/write (manipulate) ADO.Net OLEDB objects gives me the foundation >(and working examples) for much of the data manipulation stuff that I "just >knew how to do" in VBA. So many properties/methods, so little time. And >serialization to/from XML is pretty darned cool as well. I've only >scratched the surface on that stuff. > >I must say I don't know what I would do without the internet though. I own >one pretty good VB.Net book and three different ADO.Net books ad it is still >waaaay faster to just Google for example code. Once I have working example >code it is easy enough to pick up and understand what is going on. > >John W. Colby > > >Contribute your unused CPU cycles to a good cause: > > > >_______________________________________________ >dba-VB mailing list >dba-VB at > > > > > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada