[dba-VB] Express / Visual Studio incompatibilities

John W. Colby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Sep 6 11:23:21 CDT 2005

Is it just me or are there some pretty serious incompatibilities between the
full on version of VB.Net and VB express.  I am trying to move code back and
forth between the two environments and it rarely "just works".

I have found all these neato keenarino applications demonstrating VB.Net
express.  Try and move them backwards to Visual Studio and they just don't
work.  Try and move working old code forward and it doesn't work, even when
run through the "conversion utility".

As an example, the EnvDTE just doesn't exist as a native object or namespace
in Express.  I found and referenced the EnvDte from VS but the code snippet
still doesn't work, claiming that I'm referencing a non-shared member (it
was apparently a shared member before?).

So I am developing things in Visual Studio that I can't port to Express and
VV.  What a pita.

John W. Colby

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