[dba-VB] Soap Parameters?

Francisco Tapia fhtapia at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 12:38:16 CDT 2005

I have the following soap call, all I need is the two parameters "Account"
and "PartNumber" I do not know looking in the helpfile how to incorporate
them into this call... anyone done this sorta thing yet?


Dim strWebSvcWSDLURL
Dim objSOAPClient
Dim strNameSpace
Dim SOAPClient
Dim sxml
Dim Result
Dim strWebSvcNameSpace

strWebSvcNameSpace = "http://WService.org//WSAData/RetailPrice"
strWebSvcWSDLURL = "http://Wsweb2:8085/awdev/webservice/WSData.asmx?wsdl"

Set SOAPClient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SOAPClient30")
On Error Resume Next

SOAPClient.mssoapinit strWebSvcWSDLURL

if err <> 0 then
Wscript.echo "Initialization failed" + err.description
end if

Result = SOAPClient.RetailPrice()

wscript.echo "Result=" + Result

if err <> 0 then
wscript.echo "err=" + err.description
wscript.echo "faultcode=" + soapclient.faultcode
wscript.echo "faultstring=" + soapclient.faultstring
wscript.echo "FaultActor=" + soapclient.FaultActor
wscript.echo "Detail=" + soapclient.Detail
end if

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