[dba-VB] VB.net form title bar not visible

Kath Pelletti kp at sdsonline.net
Wed May 3 20:01:17 CDT 2006

(Cross posted to AccessD and Access D VB)

I have a main menu with a menu strip item. What I want is when the user clicks on that menu item, the Main menu stays in the background (which it does) and FrmPricing opens maximised without the title bar.

I have the following properties set for frmpricing:

WindowState: maximised
Maximise box: false
Minimise box: false

My code to open frmpricing from the mainmenu is as follows:

Private Sub mnuSecuritiesPricing_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuSecuritiesPricing.Click

Dim ifrmPricing As New frmPricing

ifrmPricing.MdiParent = Me

ifrmPricing.Dock = DockStyle.Fill

Me.MenuStrip1.Enabled = False

ifrmPricing.Show() 'Dialog()

End Sub


Kath Pelletti

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