jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Dec 10 12:21:42 CST 2007
A good tutorial for displaying / editing / saving data in VB.Net 2005? A recommended book? I want a form that displays records in a table in SQL Server. I do NOT want to use a continuous or grid control, but rather a set of controls that I create on the form and then somehow "bind" to the data. The form should have the typical VCR controls for moving through the data. The form should be capable of displaying, updating and saving changes. I have the typical parent child relationships so it would be nice if I could also learn how to display child data in sub forms or the .Net equivalent as the parent moves through it's records. We all know I have always been a "bound" kind of guy in Access. VB.Net is a new beastie and I am certainly willing to learn new things, so unbound is fine as long as data integrity is maintained, changes by other users respected and so forth. I am no longer a complete nubee to .Net but I am also by no stretch an interface wizard so It will need to start from the beginning and explain every step. I have a ton of VB.Net books but they all seem to want to bind to the grid control. John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com