[dba-VB] Build table

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jul 10 22:24:36 CDT 2007

I need to build a table in SQL Server given a server name, database name,
table name and a list of fields.  I have a rough draft as follows:

    Public Function mCreateTbl() As Boolean
        Dim strSQL As String
        With csvData.Columns
            Dim strName As String
            strSQL = "CREATE TABLE [" & mstrDatabaseName & "].[dbo].[" &
mstrTblName & "] (" & _
                     "[PKID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL "
            For Each strName In .Names
                strSQL = strSQL & ",[" & strName & "] [varchar] (50) COLLATE
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL "
            Next strName
            strSQL = strSQL & ") ON [PRIMARY] " & _
            Dim strSQLAddKey As String
            strSQLAddKey = "ALTER TABLE [dbo].[" & mstrTblName & "] WITH
                         "CONSTRAINT [PKID] PRIMARY KEY  CLUSTERED (" & _
                            "[PKID]() " & _
                         ")  ON [PRIMARY] " & _
        End With
    End Function

I have not yet even started testing it to get the strings compilable in SQL
Server but if and when it comes together, what would the database objects
(ADO?) look like to execute such a beast?  Is anyone doing such a thing?

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting

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