[dba-VB] VB2005 Programmatically set text box font values

Pete Phillipps pete.phillipps at ntlworld.com
Mon Feb 4 12:40:52 CST 2008

Hi Stuart,

	<<Private Sub chkBoxes_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkBold.CheckedChanged,
        Dim intFontAttribs As Integer
        intFontAttribs = IIf(chkBold.Checked, FontStyle.Bold, 0) +
IIf(chkItalic.Checked, FontStyle.Italic, 0)
        txtmyText.Font = New Font(txtmyText.Font, intFontAttribs)
    End Sub>>

 	Thanks, it's so simple when you know what you're doing :-)


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