[dba-VB] Copy tables

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Feb 5 11:02:16 CST 2008

Hi Stuart et al

No there is no GUI, just code.
I have some code like this. It add rows but will not save them to the database table:

                VrsSourceTableAdapters.DataTableKundeTableAdapter kundeAdapterS =
                    new VrsSourceTableAdapters.DataTableKundeTableAdapter();
                VrsSource.DataTableKundeDataTable kunderS;

                VrsTargetTableAdapters.DataTableKundeTableAdapter kundeAdapterT =
                    new VrsTargetTableAdapters.DataTableKundeTableAdapter();
                VrsTarget.DataTableKundeDataTable kunderT;

                kunderS = kundeAdapterS.GetDataVrsKunder();
                kunderT = kundeAdapterT.GetDataVrsKunder();

                foreach (VrsSource.DataTableKundeRow kundeRowS in kunderS)
                    Console.WriteLine("Kunde: " + kundeRowS.navn + "");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Kundenr: " + kundeRowS.kundeNr + "");
                    // Mark row as modified.
                Console.WriteLine("s: " + kunderS.Count.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("t: " + kunderT.Count.ToString());


Target table is residing in MSDE. 
Count of s returns the count of records to add. 
Count of t returns existing records + count of records to add.

What am I missing?


>>> stuart at lexacorp.com.pg 05-02-2008 00:06:55 >>>
Do you mean have the user physically browse through the rows looking for specific records?

If that is the case, I would probably go with a DatagridView bound to the source data.
When the user selects a row (double click, highlight and click a button or whatever), read the 
row data and feed it to a TableAdapter.Insert on the target table.

On 4 Feb 2008 at 18:41, Gustav Brock wrote:

> Hi all
> I have created two tableadapters, a source and a target, and need to
> browse through the source looking for rows and, when a row meeting
> some conditions is found, copy this to the target. What is the best
> method? 
> /gustav

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