[dba-VB] Copy tables: Update or insert rows in a DataTableAdapter from another DataTableAdapter

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Feb 7 10:59:30 CST 2008

Hi Charlotte

Thanks. Yes, my task is obviously slightly more complicated ... and, of course, in most situations you operate on one database only.

I can see that you use the ImportRow method too. And as I read it, you copy a row by clearing the target first and then importing the source/remote row? But what does method Clear do here? As far as I know, Clear "erases" the row and leave it - it does not delete it.


>>> cfoust at infostatsystems.com 07-02-2008 17:31 >>>
The thing is, you aren't just copying a table.  It sounds like you're
only making a copy if one doesn't exist.  Otherwise, you're making sure
the records are in sync.  That's a bit more complicated than just
copying a table, so I can see why you didn't find any code specifically
for that.  A datatable has a Copy method, and that would be the logical
way to copy a table, if that's all you were doing.

Here's an example of an approach we use when importing a table.  The
ImportAdaptor method it calls simply returns an instantiated
OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter that has already retrieved a pre-build
dataadapter for handing that table.  Maybe it will give you some ideas:

    Public Sub ImportTable(ByVal table As System.Data.DataTable)
Implements IMiscData.ImportTable
        Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter =
        Dim dsTmp As DataSet = table.DataSet.Clone

        For Each rowRemote As DataRow In table.Rows



    End Sub

Charlotte Foust

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