[dba-VB] DataGridView BindingNavigator: Confirm delete row

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Oct 7 01:00:57 CDT 2008

Hi Doug

I was a bit too fast. The click event I mention is that of the toolbarButton you now can fetch in VS. The comment talks about modifying the component and that will of course work.


>>> dbdoug at gmail.com 06-10-2008 23:42 >>>
Interesting..  I didn't try it out myself - I'm just starting to use
vb.netand didn't have an easily set up program.  StackOverflow is at
www.stackoverflow.com.  You can find the original question and answer by
searching for the tag 'vb.net'.

I have to say that in the small amount of vb.net coding I've done so far,
finding events in vb that correspond to events in Access can be quite a
@#$%@& learning experience.


On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Gustav Brock <gustav at cactus.dk> wrote:

> Hi Doug
> You are most welcome. Could you provide a link, please?
> Problem is, however, that this suggestion was one of my first attempts -
> only to find out that this event is fired _after_ the actual deleting has
> been carried out - and as it carries no "Cancel" parameter or similar, it
> can only be used for something else you wish to do when that toolbarbutton
> has been clicked.
> While, coming from Access, I still wonder why this simple feature is not
> ready-built, I'm not in the mood to start modifying the native
> bindingnavigator as my workaround functions very well.

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