Salakhetdinov Shamil
mcp2004 at
Thu Jun 4 10:06:49 CDT 2009
Hi All, I'm trying to implement and to publish ADO.NET Data Service as described here: and I'm getting the following error: Server Error in '/NorthwindNetDataService' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection. Parameter name: item ... Googling and trying to apply different advices from googled samples to not help. Data Service is currently published here: When usinhg it locally as e.g: http://localhost:53154/NorthwinNetService.svc or http://localhost:53154/NorthwinNetService.svc/Shipper it works OK - for the latter URL I'm getting the following response (truncated here): http://localhost:53154/NorthwinNetService.svc/Shipper <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> - <feed xml:base="http://localhost:53154/NorthwinNetService.svc/" xmlns:d="" xmlns:m="" xmlns=""> <title type="text">Shipper</title> <id>http://localhost:53154/NorthwinNetService.svc/Shipper</id> <updated>2009-06-04T14:58:28Z</updated> <link rel="self" title="Shipper" href="Shipper" /> - <entry> <id>http://localhost:53154/NorthwinNetService.svc/Shipper(1)</id> <title type="text" /> <updated>2009-06-04T14:58:28Z</updated> - <author> <name /> </author> <link rel="edit" title="Shipper" href="Shipper(1)" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="Order" href="Shipper(1)/Order" /> <category term="NorthwindNetModel.Shipper" scheme="" /> - <content type="application/xml"> - <m:properties> <d:ID m:type="Edm.Int32">1</d:ID> <d:Name>Speedy Express</d:Name> <d:Phone>(503) 555-9831</d:Phone> <d:RowTimeStamp m:type="Edm.Binary">AAAAAAAAB/Q=</d:RowTimeStamp> </m:properties> </content> </entry> ....... If you get through such an issues already and you have solved it could you please post your solution here? Thank you. -- Shamil