[dba-VB] Parameter objects in C# and ADO.

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Nov 26 06:55:59 CST 2009

Thanks for the reply Mark.

I am looking forward to having the flexibility of C# to handle errors appropriately.

John W. Colby

Mark Breen wrote:
> Hello John,
> There are three ways to bring back values from an sproc,
> 1 the result set
> 2 the output parameters, of which there can be many
> 3 the return code
> afaik, a param can be input  (the default direction) or output.  I have not
> heard of an inputoutput param so unless anyone here says different, assume
> that you cannot have bi-directional.
> Now you have the ability to standardize on a return code which may relate to
> error codes, a complete recordset of data, and also a few params that passed
> back logging codes, temp counts etc etc etc.
> In fact, if the sproc is doing multiple stages, you will love the ability to
> store staged log codes and messages and then bring the whole lot back when
> it is finished, and still being 1M records as well !
> Thanks
> Mark
> 2009/11/26 jwcolby <jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com>
>> If a parameter in a stored procedure is declared as an output (returns a
>> value) will the parameter
>> object in C# / ADO contain that value when the stored procedure finishes?
>> I haven't used output parameters yet in stored procedures.  Can values be
>> passed in via an output
>> parameter or can it only be set from inside of the stored procedure?
>> --
>> John W. Colby
>> www.ColbyConsulting.com
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