[dba-VB] Access FE --> VB: Conversion/Rewrite Time?

Robert Stewart raibeart at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 20:31:00 CDT 2009

 From what I am reading,

Access Whiz Options:                                 First 
Bundle Price
  A- Access to VB .NET (Web Application): ANETVB         $169.00    $60.00
  B- Access to VB .NET (Windows Application): ANETVB8    $169.00    $60.00
  C- Access to VB6 (Windows Application): AccessToVB6     $94.00    $40.00
  D- Access to C# (Web Application)  ANETVC              $169.00    $60.00
  E- Access to Crystal Reports 8 or later: AccessToCR    $169.00    $60.00
  F- Access Form Controls to VB .NET: ANETVBF             $45.00    $25.00
  G- Access Form Controls to C# .NET: ANETVCF             $45.00    $25.00
  H- Access to C# (Windows Application): ANETVC7         $169.00    $60.00

Looks like it would cost me:

D - $169
E - $ 60
G - $ 25

To be able to do a complete conversion, plus the cost of Crystal.

On the second one, the link is broken to the 2003 databases,
and it only converts to VB6.  I think they are a bit too far
behind the times to be very useful.

I will take a look at the first one and let the list know back
what I think about it. I think my code is pretty good and standard.
So, it should not be that difficult for the program to convert it
to C#.

I have a project about double the size of yours to convert to ASP.net.
So a tool like this might be very useful.

In looking at the download page when they send it to you,

System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; 
Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP

Required Software: Access 2000 or later; Full version of Crystal 
Reports RDC, Report Designer Component 8 or later is required for 
AccessToCR, Access Whiz Option E; Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 1.x or 
2.0 is required for Access Whiz Options A, B, D, F, G and H

Display: 1024 x 768 high color

I am not sure how helpful .Net 2.0 is going to be when I am doing 
everything in 3.5 SP1.
Also, notice that The full version of Crystal Reports RDC is required 
to do the report

You might also want to take a look at their FAQ page.  There seems to 
be a lot it does not do.

At 12:00 PM 10/16/2009, you wrote:
>Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 09:09:59 -0500
>From: "Dan Waters" <dwaters at usinternet.com>
>Subject: Re: [dba-VB] Access FE --> VB: Conversion/Rewrite Time?
>To: "'Discussion concerning Visual Basic and related programming
>         issues.'"       <dba-vb at databaseadvisors.com>
>Message-ID: <5ED8B346696F4F0E87B6E4DC49C3BECD at danwaters>
>Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
>Hi Shamil,
>This is exactly what I was hoping would be available!  Great!
>I have a direct conversion project with 175 forms/reports.  Most are simple
>but some are complex.  I also have 89 standard modules/class modules.  SQL
>Server 2005 will contain the BE.  So, this is a lot of work.
>I did find 2 software utility tools which will do conversion of objects in
>Access to objects in VB.Net.
>         1) http://www.microtools.us/ this is $160.
>         2) http://members.shaw.ca/irie/vbobjconverter.htm this is $250.
>If either even works fairly well, that would be the way to go.
>These both have demo versions so if someone wants to try them out and report
>back that would be helpful.  I don't know enough of VB.Net yet to make a
>good assessment.

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