[dba-VB] SCRUM/Agile Teamwork: The Leadership - Self-management Dilemma

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru
Tue Jan 5 17:15:22 CST 2010

Hi All -


I suppose the subject article is one of the best on Agile Teamwork I've ever
read - the best in fact IMO:




I went through a free quiz/questionnaire they handle to evaluate Agile




And I have got the following results as I perceived them for our
Northwind.NET agile teamwork project:



75% - Advising team performance factor.

91% - Innovating team performance factor.

83% - Promoting team performance factor.

91% - Developing team performance factor.

58% - Organizing team performance factor.

83% - Producing team performance factor.

75% - Inspecting team performance factor.

85% - Maintaining team performance factor.

You scored over 80% for the Linking team performance factor.



If your score on all sectors is over 80% then you consider your agile team
to be well on the way to high



If your score is in the range 60-80% for all sectors then your team is
probably doing some things well but there is definite

scope for improvement.


If your score on any sector is below 50% then this is an area where your
team can make substantial improvements to the

way it is working. These sectors should be an immediate development priority
for your team.




It would be interesting to get results of your passing through this quiz to
find out how well our results will correlate.


Not urgent.


Thank you.




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