[dba-VB] [dba-SQLServer] disk drive temps for the Norco 4020

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sun Jul 18 10:21:39 CDT 2010

Yea, I am one of those concerned.  The bottom of the drive sled touches the top of the drive 
underneath it.  Not a lot of room for drawing air through the drive area.  One of the things that 
people are doing (me included) is to duct tape the holes on the bottom of the fan wall to prevent 
air from circulating in a big circle, and force the maximum air possible to be pulled through the 
front past the disks.

Other than that I am loving the case.  It is easy to find cases for lots of disks... if you don't 
mind paying $2000.  I don't have that kind of money so this case is one alternative.  If anyone else 
knows of lost cost cases like this speak up.

John W. Colby

Gary Kjos wrote:
> I was reading some of the reviews posted on the Newegg site when you
> first posted the link to your new server case and it seemed like other
> people who purchased it were concerned about the heat the disks would
> be creating due to lack of space between the drives etc. Nice that you
> can monitor them.
> Continued good luck with your new server.
> GK
> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 11:01 PM, jwcolby <jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com> wrote:
>> I bought the Norco 4020 to build a server with.
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811219021&cm_re=4u_rackmount_case-_-11-219-021-_-Product
>> I am impressed with the case, though it is consumer grade.  It is tough to work with however.  It
>> has a fan wall just behind the disk drive cage which leaves exactly two inches between the fans and
>> the disk backplanes.  Obviously it is impossible to leave the wall in place and get all of the
>> cables in, but removing the fan wall is a job for a safe cracker.

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