[dba-VB] Fwd: SQL Server / 2003 server locks up

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Jun 16 11:37:40 CDT 2010

Hmm... the other is cigars IIRC?

John W. Colby

Mark Breen wrote:
> Hello John,
> [BTW, what are the best motorcycles?  Triumph?  BSA?  Norton?]
> I have only two pleasures in life and one is BMW Motorcycles
> :)
> Mark
> On 13 June 2010 16:22, jwcolby <jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com> wrote:
>> Mark / Shamil,
>> I would love to go to Murcurial, it is really just a matter of time to
>> figure it out.  I was hoping
>> that I would get a "this is how it is done" from one of my listmates, and
>> specifically how to
>> migrate my existing source to murcurial.
>> I am not wedded to VisualSVN, I just have it, know it (it is easy) and am
>> using it.
>> BTW Even VisualSVN stamps commits with version numbers, and it is possible
>> (I assume) to check out a
>> specific version number to work on should a later build break something.
>> At the moment Paul and I work on separate workstations.  We do things in
>> small chunks and do just
>> keep them local (don't check in) until we test and it all seems to work,
>> then we check in.  Just
>> because of the way I approach development, we are building small enough
>> chunks of stuff that we
>> pretty much build, test and commit all in one work session, two at the
>> most.
>> I am not justifying not switching, but it truly hasn't yet caused a problem
>> simply because of the
>> scale that I work on.  It also helps that the user is one of two developers
>> so that if I do hit a
>> snag, I can usually just go fix it rather than filing a bug report and
>> waiting for the dev team to
>> go fix it.
>> What is really going on is that VisualSVN works just like every other
>> Source control system.  I am
>> used to the paradigm and it was dead simple to set up and start using.
>> There is enough different with Mercurial that when I tried to go there I
>> was spending time trying to
>> figure out how to do source control, and I didn't have the time to spend.
>>  I am sold on the concept,
>> and someday when things quiet down, or when my listmates who use it are
>> willing to hold my hand /
>> walk me through it, I will undoubtedly make the switch.
>> BTW, what are the best motorcycles?  Triumph?  BSA?  Norton?
>> I didn't know that you were into motorcycles.
>> John W. Colby
>> www.ColbyConsulting.com
>> Mark Breen wrote:
>>> Hello John,
>>> Let me say, I am not religious on almost any topics (with the possible
>>> exception of the best motorcycles), so I am not favouring Mecurial
>>> over Subversion religiously.
>>> But here is the problem.  Even if you have one programmer - and you
>> already
>>> have two you have the scenario that you work, work, work and then test a
>>> routine.  You think that it is good, and want to preserve that current
>>> version.  But you really do not want to check it in to you repository.
>>  So
>>> what do you do?  One option is quickly xcopy some files (this is surely
>> the
>>> medieval option).  Another choice is check in and be-dammed.  Third
>> Choice
>>> is copy to notepad and hope that we do not have a power cut.
>>> Now with two programmers this gets even worse, Paul works all day and
>> does
>>> not check in, in the evening time, he wants to check in for safely, but
>> he
>>> cannot be sure that there are no breaking changes in his code, so he
>> cannot
>>> check in his code or he will break your code.  So, result is programmers
>>> world wide are afraid to check in their code until they are finished
>>> working.  I know about this problem when I worked on a three person team
>>> that were world wide, so I was never really sure who might check out
>> after I
>>> had checked in untested code.
>>> In effect I had to operate without SCCS.
>>> Mecurial systematically solves that problem.  They made is the first goal
>> of
>>> the product.
>>> In a nutshell, when you install Mecurial you install first a local
>> version,
>>> which is your private SCCS.  Then later when you hire a guy named Paul,
>> he
>>> also gets a private SCCS on his machine.  At that point you install a
>>> central SCCS and from time to time you can merge your code to the central
>>> SCCS.  Paul can do the same and Mecurial is built from the ground to
>> assist
>>> in this process.
>>> It solves the problem I had when I was terrified to check in, but I still
>>> wanted local version control.
>>> Take 20 minutes and read Joel Spolsky's last ever blog post.  After ten
>>> years he chose to make it about Mecurial.  I see now that FogCreek also
>> has
>>> launched a paid for product based on Mecurial so he must be committed.
>>> thanks and good luck,
>>> Mark
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