[dba-VB] "Smart" fulltext search on large documents(data)base...

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Feb 4 05:13:16 CST 2011

Hi Shamil

Thanks for the link, code, and comments - and the timings in the other post.
For an upcoming project I will need some text search options so I'm collecting bits and pieces ...


>>> shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru 04-02-2011 11:34 >>>
Hi Mark --

I didn't know about that DNN's "heavy lifting" - what it's? I'm joining
Gustav's question on that subject...

Yes, I did plan to use DNN search for local manual search on the custom site
but I do plan to keep that site as small as possible - hence I'm tryng to
find how to "outsource" docs' keeping and searching tasks to Google Docs and
Google API...

BTW, for C# code solutions for full text searaching and many other tasks for
local large docs base there exists a powerful free code solution I have
occasionally get at yesterday:


Although I didn't use it, no I plan to use it in the near future...

Thank you.


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