[dba-VB] SQL Server over Hamachi: First test not hopeful

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jan 15 17:37:00 CST 2011

I developed a SQL Server database, with perhaps 10-15 tables, populated a few with just a handful of 
records, created an Access database and built a few forms.  My strategy is to do Access because I 
can do it quickly, but link it to SQL Server, the run the FE on a remote computer over Hamachi.

Tonight I went to a local Arby's to test the speed of the system.  The local Arby's has an open 
wifi, which using Speedtest.net tested 5 mbit down, 1 mbit up - typical low end cable in my area.

So I tried to use the system and... well... it took an extremely long time to connect, if it 
connected at all.  Access mostly timed out trying to log on.  SQL Server Management System would log 
on sometimes.  Sometimes not.  Trying to hit it at the actual Hamachi IP address worked but took 
awhile.  15 - 30 seconds to connect (I did not time it).

To be honest I am puzzled.  Google finds plenty of folks trying this, some succeeding, most pretty 
slow.  Remote desktop is plenty fast.

 From inside of my office, out across the internet via Hamachi I have done things like file 
transfers etc (in the past).  Remote desktop has always been very speedy, but there isn't much 
needed for RD.

I had really expected faster connections / operation.  I really expected SSMS to just work, pretty 
much at speed.  It didn't.

Sigh, back to the drawing boards.
John W. Colby

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