[dba-VB] C# Grid: effectively and efficiently handle dirty

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Jan 20 14:29:25 CST 2011

What does virtual mode do for me?

John W. Colby

On 1/20/2011 3:01 PM, Shamil Salakhetdinov wrote:
> Hi John --
> So you use VS2008 (at least) and you have a "datasheet form" - a bound
> DataGridView with BindingNavigator bound to ADO.NET dataset etc.?
> If yes - BindingNavigator has CurrentChanged event, which if fired as soon
> as you move to the other grid's row.
> When form is closing FormClosing event is fired:
> private void shipperBindingSource_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
> {
>      saveEdits();
> }
> private void saveEdits()
> {
>      this.Validate();
>      this.shipperBindingSource.EndEdit();
>      this.tableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(this.northwindNETDataSet1);
> }
> private void Form2_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
> {
>      DataRowView row = shipperBindingSource.Current as DataRowView;
>      if (row.Row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified) saveEdits();
> }
> Thank you.
> --
> Shamil
> P.S. I must note I rarely work with bound forms and ADO.NET datasets - just
> my preference but they should be OK in your context of small "quick&dirty"
> (first version) apps...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
> Sent: 20 ?????? 2011 ?. 20:52
> To: VBA
> Subject: [dba-VB] C# Grid: effectively and efficiently handle dirty
> I am doing C# forms, bound to SQL Server.  I dragged and dropped the table
> out onto the form and C# "installed" the grid as well as a record navigation
> toolbar.
> Now I am trying to make sure that data is saved.  I have discovered for
> example that if you edit something and just close the form... no save.
> Basically no save unless the save button is pressed.
> Being the anal guy I am, this ain't good enough.  I don't want to save after
> every cell edit, but I do want to save after every row edit or when the form
> closes.  Even this is non-trivial.
> After browsing the internet and seeing what others are doing (lots of pain
> expressed), my strategy is to have a RowDirty set by the
> CellContentsModified but to be honest, things just aren't working as
> expected.  The row leave isn't fired if I sink the CellModified (or
> something).  All I can see for sure is that, while one would expect the row
> leave to fire if a row is left (makes sense to me) that isn't true and so
> now I am left with trying to figure out what zany rules exist.
> So here I am, hat in hand, asking the list "how do you do this"?
> --
> John W. Colby
> www.ColbyConsulting.com
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