[dba-VB] SHA1 to compute a hash

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru
Sat Mar 19 08:03:36 CDT 2011

Hi Stuart and John,

AFAIK, no one other than you has found any
Yes, I was also confused how it comes to get SHA1 hashes collisions but then
I have thought that John probably "compacts" SHA1 hashes into 8 bytes
surrogate keys?

Here (P.S.) is a "quick&dirty" "brute force" test code - 4 collisions for 6
millions cycles for 8 bytes keys.

Please correct me if you find some errors in my sample code

Thank you.

P.S. Code:

    public class GenerateHashes
        private static Dictionary<string, string> _generatedHashes;
        private static Dictionary<ulong, ulong> _generatedLongHashes;

        public static void Run(int minHashedStringLength, int
maxHashedStringLength, long testCasesQty)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Started at: " + System.DateTime.Now);
            _generatedHashes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            _generatedLongHashes = new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>();

            int collisionsQty = 0;
            int longHashCollisionsQty = 0;

            decimal totalLengthOfProcessedStrings = 0;
            decimal averageStringLength = 0;

            Random random = new Random((int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            for (long i = 1; i <= testCasesQty; i++)
                int stringLength = random.Next(minHashedStringLength,
                byte[] plainTextBytes =
(byte[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(byte), stringLength);    
                System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm hash = new
                byte[] hashBytes = hash.ComputeHash(plainTextBytes);
                string hashValue = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);
                string testValue;
                if (_generatedHashes.TryGetValue(hashValue, out testValue))
                else _generatedHashes.Add(hashValue, hashValue);
                if (i % 1000000 == 0) 
                        "{0}: i={1}, cs={2}, cu={3}", 
                           DateTime.Now, i, collisionsQty,

                ulong longHash = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                foreach (byte b in hashValue)
                    longHash ^= b;
                    longHash = longHash << 8 + 0xFF;
                ulong longHashTestValue;
                if (_generatedLongHashes.TryGetValue(longHash, out
                    //Long Hash Collision
                    System.Console.WriteLine(" * step {0}, hash '{1}',
longHash: {2:X}",
                         i, hashValue, longHash);  
                else _generatedLongHashes.Add(longHash, longHash);    

                totalLengthOfProcessedStrings += stringLength;
                averageStringLength = totalLengthOfProcessedStrings / i; 

              "\nTOTALS:\n" +
              "Min String Length = {0}\n" +
              "Max String Length = {1}\n" +
              "Avg String Length = {2}\n" +
              "Test cases Qty = {3}\n" +
              "Collisions Qty = {4}\n" +
              "ulong Collisions Qty = {5}",
              minHashedStringLength, maxHashedStringLength, 
              averageStringLength, testCasesQty, 

            System.Console.WriteLine("Finished at: " + System.DateTime.Now);


P.P.S. Stats

Started at: 19/03/2011 15:51:04
19/03/2011 15:51:16: i=1000000, cs=0, cu=0
 * step 1712197, hash 'Rt4NY5FHg0uMDszVql+l6ksx6Tg=', longHash:
19/03/2011 15:51:29: i=2000000, cs=0, cu=1
 * step 2040324, hash 'laoPHdqlfeZOx9DI8RDaQZjhKZs=', longHash:
 * step 2043449, hash '1m+tgKu7/l9fl8nUNuz5I/OWF5E=', longHash:
19/03/2011 15:51:44: i=3000000, cs=0, cu=3
19/03/2011 15:52:00: i=4000000, cs=0, cu=3
 * step 4369446, hash '2sZrglXDp3NnNPuqdILqwmUKq30=', longHash:
19/03/2011 15:52:17: i=5000000, cs=0, cu=4

Min String Length = 7
Max String Length = 25
Avg String Length = 15.4981354
Test cases Qty = 5,000,000
Collisions Qty = 0
ulong Collisions Qty = 4
Finished at: 19/03/2011 15:52:17
-----Original Message-----
From: dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-vb-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stuart McLachlan
Sent: 19 ????? 2011 ?. 13:20
To: Discussion concerning Visual Basic and related programming issues.
Subject: Re: [dba-VB] SHA1 to compute a hash

How are you creating your hash?

Can you post a few examples of different  data strings and colliding SHA1
hashes.   I can 
probably make a lot of money out of them.   AFAIK, no one other than you has
found any.


<<< snip >>> 

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