[dba-VB] Unhooking events while they are running

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Nov 1 16:42:35 CDT 2011

I am just using filesystemwatcher.

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting

Reality is what refuses to go away
when you do not believe in it

On 11/1/2011 5:33 PM, Stuart McLachlan wrote:
> To quote MS: A hook is a point in the system message-handling mechanism where an
> application can install a subroutine to monitor the message traffic in the system and process
> certain types of messages before they reach the target window procedure.
> Is that what you are actually doing  i.e. "intercepting"  and acting on messages intended for
> another target ?
> Or are you just using a FileSystemWatcher, which is basically a wrapper for
> WaitForSingleObject in Kernel32.DLL, to monitor changes?
> If the latter, I'd say you solution is quite adequate.
> On 1 Nov 2011 at 15:44, jwcolby wrote:
>> I am using the directory watcher class.  When the parent class to
>> start, it hooks the events and when it is told to stop it unhooks the
>> events.
>> My question is simply that events are asynchronous and as such could
>> occur at the same instant that the parent class is being told to stop.
>>   I use a boolean evFileDeletedIsRunning flag which the event sets as
>> the first line inside of that event and clears as the last line of the
>> event.  I then check this flag before unhooking the event.
>> Is this adequate protection?  What happens if an event is unhooked
>> while the event sink is running?
>>    Is it a page fault or something less catastrophic?
>> --
>> John W. Colby
>> Colby Consulting
>> Reality is what refuses to go away
>> when you do not believe in it
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