[dba-VB] [AccessD] New Windows 8

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Sep 13 21:18:47 CDT 2011

Maybe in the US where internet access is fast and bandiwdth is cheap.   It will be many years 
before businesses in much of the world are prepared to go that way.


On 13 Sep 2011 at 18:35, Jim Lawrence wrote:

> Many articles have been written saying it more bluntly, but this is
> the formal acceptance and official agreement, on the part of
> Microsoft. They have just acknowledged the truth and that is that the
> PC, as we know it, is dead.
> So boys and girls if you plan to be working in the computer industry,
> of the future get your internet skills ready. Learn about web servers,
> internet protocols, distributive databases, HTMLx, CSSx, JavaScript,
> web based graphics and cloud based applications (and all the
> forth-coming generations). 
> It is going to be a thrilling ride as we launch off from the PC.

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