[dba-VB] Create a Module and Write to It

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 12:40:57 CDT 2012

I've decided to resurrect an old utility I wrote years back, that accepts
the name of a table and then generates a class definition complete with
LETs and GETs for the fields, and methods for Load(), Insert(), Update()
and Delete().

Naturally, I can't locate the code which is somewhere on one of my numerous
CDs. And besides, now that I'm a tad more mature, I can probably do it
better now. The original, for example, just banged its generated code out
to a text file, which I then had to manually import. Which brings me to the
question in the Subject. How can I create a module in code, then write the
generated code directly into it?

Cell: 647.710.1314

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