[dba-VB] regex

Mark Breen marklbreen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 02:49:42 CDT 2012

Hello Francisco,

I am afraid I have little to add, other than, have you tried

I used it once about 6 years ago to assist in some Regex patterns and I
understood at the time it was a good Regex tool.


On 22 March 2012 06:23, Francisco Tapia <fhtapia at gmail.com> wrote:

> anybody here good with regex? or classic ASP?
> I need to convert the following Ø to a printable character by xml, I
> am using the following object to read a webpage on my server that is not
> pre-parsed in XML and it's the way the source system works...The idea is to
> be able to yank the text [Liner Kit, 1.75" MAX Ø] out of the original
> document and push it back out via XML so when I hit the url it looks like
> http://localserver/myhtml2xml.asp and I get a standard xml feed using the
> XML document, but I keep getting an error reading that O slash character,
> other than that one character I can't seem to nab it, I've tried instr for
> the exact character but to no avail, my current function just does a few
> instr functions to nab the html down to this node, but I really probably
> ought to get down to the span tag instead of the td tag.  If you have
> ideas, let me know it's late and I need to get this thing kick started...
> :(
> Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
> <td id="ANALYSIS_interactive_pivot_ruid9648" BiTp="h2" cc="5" rr="1382"
> align="left" class="urSTTD urSTTDBdr urSTSHL2"
> style="vertical-align:top;height:21px;"><span
> id="ANALYSIS_interactive_mc9691_tv" ct="TV" class="urTxtStd"
> style="white-space:nowrap;">Liner Kit, 1.75" MAX Ø</span></td>
> -Francisco
> http://bit.ly/sqlthis   | Tsql and More...
> <http://db.tt/JeXURAx>
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