From df.waters at Tue Jun 21 19:13:00 2016 From: df.waters at (Dan Waters) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 19:13:00 -0500 Subject: [dba-VS] Code Lens + Code Health Indicator Now Available for Visual Studio Community Message-ID: Today I discovered that a portion of the CodeLens feature is available for Visual Studio Community 2015. I installed the SSDTSetup.exe (for SS 2016) file which popped up as an update in VS. After that I started seeing 'X references' in small gray code above each method in my code (X is an integer). I can click on the word 'references' to see a list of other methods which call this one, and click on those methods. This is a very nice fast way to review what will be affected before I make a change. The CodeMap part of CodeLens is not part of what's been added. Hopefully some enterprising extension developer will figure that out - I will pay for it! I also found another extension called 'Microsoft CodeLens Code Health Indicator'. I installed that and then saw 'maintainability Y' immediately to the right of 'X references'. Y is a number from 0 to 100 where a higher number indicates a less complex method. So far the numbers seem to be about right with how complex each of my methods are. It's great to see MS including this information in VS Community - it will help! Some discussion here: t-in-vs-2015-community-edition Dan