[AccessD] Database in Use

Terri Jarus jarus at amerinet-gpo.com
Wed Jun 11 06:59:18 CDT 2003

I'm trying to run some code in an AXP database and get the error:  "Could not use db1.mdb; file already in use."

I have the database opened exclusively.  I can run everything fine in A97.  Here's code attached to the command button:

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSelect_Click

DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DelTbls"
DoCmd.SetWarnings (True)
ListAvailableTables ("U:\Suppliers\Pepsi\amerinet.mdb")
MsgBox "Double Click on Table to Import."

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdSelect_Click
End Sub

ListAvailableTables is a module.  If someone needs to see that, I can send offline or post here.

Any ideas?  This AXP is driving me crazy - so many things I did OK in 97 I run into problems with in XP.

Thanks for any help.

Terri Jarus
Director, Contract Support Services
jarus at amerinet-gpo.com


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