[AccessD] Win2K, Access 2002 SP2

John Colby jcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Oct 23 20:02:13 CDT 2003

I most likely do have corruption.  Unfortunately the database has 10 years
worth of history and is 450 mbytes.  I have no doubt there may be hundreds
or even thousands of corrupt records.  I don't even want to get in to trying
to fix them using the method you outlined.  They can do their job on three
of the computers - that's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of David McAfee
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:20 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Win2K, Access 2002 SP2

Try a making a new table with a make table query. Is it successful? IF not,
you most likely have a corrupt memo field. I see the same problems as you
do, but haven't been able to find it as we are switching this mdb over to a
SQL 2K/ADP so I haven't spent the time to figure why jet is corrupting (not
to mention we have around 80 users in at a time :( ) Another way that
corruption shows its ugly head (but not all the time) is to compact the mdb,
sometimes you will get the message like you stated in an earlier post "you
and another user..." which leaves you with a compacted db1.mdb and you non
compacted mdb.

I have an A97 MDB that uses bound forms :( and has close to a million
records in one of the tables. This table has a memo field which seems to
corrupt every now and then. I have to make a new table and export all
records before and after the corrupt record. I then make an append query and
query all of the data from the corrupt record (except for the memo field)
and append to the new table. I then recreate the memo field from my audit
trail table (or back up mdb if the record was old enough). It sucks but it
does work.

I know you are looking for a reason why you are seeing different results,
but you most likely have corruption and should take care of that.


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