[AccessD] OT: Detect what Network I'm on

Francisco H Tapia my.lists at verizon.net
Tue Sep 16 15:35:06 CDT 2003

Watch for the line wrap...  note finding the network has not worked on a 
9x machine.

Option Explicit
     'KPD-Team 2000
     'URL: http://www.allapi.net/
     'E-Mail: KPDTeam at allapi.net
Const RPC_S_OK = &H0
Private Type UUID
     Data1 As Long
     Data2 As Integer
     Data3 As Integer
     Data4(7) As Byte
End Type
Private Declare Function UuidCreate Lib "rpcrt4" (lpUUID As UUID) As Long
Private Declare Function UuidToString Lib "rpcrt4" Alias "UuidToStringA" 
(lpUUID As UUID, lpUUIDString As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RpcStringFree Lib "rpcrt4" Alias 
"RpcStringFreeA" (lpUUIDString As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal 
lpString As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" 
(lpDest As Any, lpSource As Any, ByVal cBytes As Long)

'Use the following to get UserName
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias 
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
'Use the following to get PC Name
Private Const MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH As Long = 31
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias 
"GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

'Thanks to: Http://www.allapi.net
'To run this program, you must set the startup object to 'Sub Main'
'You can do this by going to Project->Project Properties->Startup Object
'In a module
Private Const PLATFORM_ID_DOS = 300
Private Const PLATFORM_ID_OS2 = 400
Private Const PLATFORM_ID_NT = 500
Private Const PLATFORM_ID_OSF = 600
Private Const PLATFORM_ID_VMS = 700

Private Type WKSTA_INFO_102
    wki100_platform_id As Long
    pwki100_computername As Long
    pwki100_langroup As Long
    wki100_ver_major As Long
    wki100_ver_minor As Long
    pwki102_lanroot As Long
    wki102_logged_on_users As Long
End Type

Declare Function NetWkstaGetInfo Lib "netapi32" (ByVal servername As 
String, ByVal level As Long, lpBuf As Any) As Long
Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32" (ByVal Buffer As Long) 
As Long

     'KPD-Team 2000
     'URL: http://www.allapi.net/
     'E-Mail: KPDTeam at allapi.net

Function fOSPCName() As String
     Dim dwLen As Long
     Dim strString As String
     'Create a buffer
     strString = String(dwLen, "X")
     'Get the computer name
     GetComputerName strString, dwLen
     'get only the actual data
     strString = Left(strString, dwLen)
     'Show the computer name
     fOSPCName = strString
End Function

Function fOSDomainName() As String
    'code submitted by Andreas Linnemann (ALinnemann at gmx.de)
    Dim pWrkInfo As Long, WrkInfo(0) As WKSTA_INFO_102, lResult As Long, 
strComputername As String
    'make sure you replace the value of the following constant
    'with a valid computer name from your LAN
    strComputername = fOSPCName()
    If CheckOS4NT = True Then
        lResult = NetWkstaGetInfo(StrConv("\\" & strComputername, 
vbUnicode), 102, pWrkInfo)
        If lResult = 0 Then
           Dim cname As String
           cname = String$(255, 0)
           CopyMemory WrkInfo(0), ByVal pWrkInfo, ByVal Len(WrkInfo(0))
           CopyMemory ByVal cname, ByVal WrkInfo(0).pwki100_langroup, 
ByVal 255
           fOSDomainName = StripTerminator(StrConv(cname, vbFromUnicode))
           NetApiBufferFree ByVal pWrkInfo
        End If
         'Couldn't determine Domain on 9x
         fOSDomainName = fOSPCName()
     End If
End Function

MartyConnelly wrote:

> WMI API should have it. Installed on WinXP and Win2000, have to install 
> from MS for Win9x
> Windows Management Instrumentation, You could hunt around here for 
> sample code.
> http://www.activxperts.com/activmonitor/windowsmanagement/wmisamples/
> example
> The Win32_NetworkClient WMI class represents a network client on a 
> Windows system. Any computer system on the network with a client 
> relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class 
> (for example, a computer running Windows 2000 Workstation or Windows 98 
> that is part of a Windows 2000 domain).
> On Error Resume Next
> strComputer = "."
> Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
> Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from 
> Win32_NetworkClient",,48)
> For Each objItem in colItems
>    Wscript.Echo "Caption: " & objItem.Caption
>    Wscript.Echo "Description: " & objItem.Description
>    Wscript.Echo "InstallDate: " & objItem.InstallDate
>    Wscript.Echo "Manufacturer: " & objItem.Manufacturer
>    Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.Name
>    Wscript.Echo "Status: " & objItem.Status
> Next
> John Skolits wrote:
>> I need to be able to detect the name of what local network I am on.
>> Anyone have an API call for this?
>> John Skolits


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