Joe Hecht jmhecht at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 16 22:10:19 CST 2006

The following code is supposed to check that 


1.	The start date is not null
2.	The end date is not null.


If either is null I want a message box( that works) and when
user clicks ok they go back to form.


It is not working. Can any one see why?




Private Sub cmdAccEndDate_Click()

Dim lngRetval As Long

Dim strStDocName As String

Dim lngRetval1 As Long

Dim lngRetval2 As Long

Dim CANCEL As Boolean



     Me.txtAccEndDate = Me.calAccEndDate  'Sets end date


    If IsNull(Me.txtAccStartDate) Then  'Confirm Start Date
is not null

            lngRetval1 = MsgBox( _

            "There is no Start Date Entered." & vbCrLf & ""
& vbCrLf & "Please select a Start Date", _

            vbOKOnly + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1, _



            Select Case lngRetval1

            Case vbOK

            CANCEL = True


            End Select

        End If


    If IsNull(Me.txtAccEndDate) Then  'Confirm End Date is
not null


            lngRetval1 = MsgBox( _

            "There is no End Date Entered." & vbCrLf & "" &
vbCrLf & "Please select a Start Date", _

            vbOKOnly + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1, _

            "PLEASE ENTER END DATE")


            Select Case lngRetval1

            Case vbOK

            CANCEL = True

            End Select

    End If


     If Me.txtAccStartDate > Me.txtAccEndDate Then

        lngRetval = MsgBox( _

        "The start date must be the same as, or before the
end date of the report." & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & "Please
review  the selected dates and try your report again", _

         vbOKOnly + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1, _



        Select Case lngRetval

            Case vbOK

        End Select


        '              Dim stDocName As String


        strStDocName = "30_rptAccidentRegister"

        DoCmd.OpenReport strStDocName, acPreview

        DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom100



Joe Hecht

jmhecht at earthlink.net


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