[AccessD] Class Rebuttal was: Basic Unbound Form ...

Kenneth Ismert kismert at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 13 13:08:49 CDT 2006


> ... For that reason alone, suggesting [Ruby] as an alternative is
> probably unhelpful in this list. 

I'd agree with you, except for the fact that VBA is a dead language. It
is a legacy support language, which means no new features will ever be
added, and its support will eventually sunset. Access is on the long
slow path to obscurity, just like Visual FoxPro.

That makes discussion of alternatives more than a rhetorical exercise. 

> ... Personally, I think that .Net is the future. 

.Net is a wonderful technology platform, and it has significant

But Ruby, a non .Net language, has shockingly good .Net support. That's
not my personal opinion -- that's my observation of .Net professionals
at a .Net User's Group meeting held recently at the Microsoft offices
here in Houston. Ruby was being presented to a bunch of C# and VB.NET
developers, and they were shocked at how good Ruby's .Net support was.
This was a hostile crowd at first, trust me, but they were truly
surprised at what Ruby had to offer. Were there converts? Probably not,
but at least they were aware there was something valid outside the C#

> I will get there someday, but in the meantime, I eat because of
> my Access skills.

But where will your bread be buttered 5 years from now? For most of us,
likely something other than Access/VBA. 

If you like the dynamic/RAD/flexibility aspects of VBA, and want to
move further in that direction, look at Ruby. For .NET programmers
wanting a taste of dynamic programming now, look at IronPython, a .NET
IL interpreter for Python. 


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