[AccessD] Where to publish stuff

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun Jul 15 06:56:40 CDT 2012

That's very expensive.  

That's twice what I charge here in PNG for a basic hosting plan (200MB of disk space and 
2GB monthly traffic) and my prices are a lot higher than US/Aus etc hosting. (my customers 
are happy to pay the extra for the local support and hand holding).

On 15 Jul 2012 at 15:03, Salakhetdinov Shamil wrote:

> As for hosting - PowerDNN
> (http://www.powerdnn.com/Hosting/CreateaNewSite/ChooseaPlan/tabid/292/D
> efault.aspx) (or similar options) looks good for me - their start-up
> plan (USD50/month) - does it look affordable for DatabaseAdvisors? I

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