[AccessD] Want to repopulate combo after adding items

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 10:45:57 CDT 2014

Setup -- I'm using a combo box to offer current species so the user can
just select one instead of re-entering. If the species isn't available yet,
there's a command button the user can click to enter the new species.

The combo box is populated by a species lookup table.

Using the combo box's Click event, I tried to requery the list as follows:

Private Sub SpeciesIDFK_Click()
    'Repopulate species combo after adding new species.
End Sub

The popup form is entering the new species -- I've checked the underlying
table and it's there. But, when I return to the main form and click the
comb box's dropdown arrow to review the list again, the new species is not
in the list.

I dropped in a Debug.Print after the Requery method to at least let me know
the event is firing and apparently it isn't.

I went looking for a dropdown event and while there's lots about what it
is, there is not a dropdown event in the Events dropdown in the VBE for the
combo box control in question.

Any help?

Susan H.

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