[dba-Tech] Not Sure Quite What I'm Dealing With Here

John Bartow john at winhaven.net
Thu Apr 28 11:40:00 CDT 2011

I'd suggest that maybe a windows update went bad. Try system restore.

Turn windows update to "prompt only". When you decide to apply Windows
Updates close all programs and turn off any active type security scanners.
Reboot when finished. If things go haywire then do a system restore and
selectively apply each update until you figure out which is the culprit.

Could be an infection too. If the above accomplishes nothing then make sure
your security programs are up to date and then boot into safe mode and run
full scans.


-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Tina Norris
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:45 AM
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: [dba-Tech] Not Sure Quite What I'm Dealing With Here

Okay, I've got a situation with a computer that is giving me fits.

1)  Windows update won't - clicking the update link generates an hourglass,
then, nothing.
2)  Windows installer won't - trying to install anything generates the
message that the installer cannot be accessed.
3)  Windows installer apparently tries to start when any icon on the desktop
is right-clicked.
4)  At startup, a message appears saying that Vipre reports it is not
5)  Computer lost its wireless connection to the printer.
Symptoms 1 and 5 might suggest loss of all connectivity - not so!  
Internet access still available.  Network access to shared folders on other
computers is still available.

Other issues have been discovered as we go along, but these are the
immediately visible symptoms.

Before I go into the things I have tried, and what has worked for how long,
and what hasn't worked at all, I thought I'd ask you guys if this
constellation of symptoms rings any bells.  Do you recognize these
difficulties?  Do you have any helpful suggestions?

This is the family computer for my kids Cheryl and Brad, and their kids.
Lots of email, IM-ing, games, etc.  About three months ago, it crashed - I
suspected HD failure.  I got it revived with Spin-Rite (John, your advice
that I should purchase that program was spot on and has served me well ever

I have lots more to tell about this adventure - 5 pages of handwritten
notes, so far.  Thanks for your assistance.

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