[dba-Tech] Printing from DOS to a networked Windows printer

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 09:22:15 CDT 2013

Gustav, we are revealing our age. I recall the Eagle, but my first virgin
was an Apple 2 clone called a Unitron, with a CP/M card and I learned
Worsdstar in a day and then dBASE-II in a month. And way back then 64K was

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Gustav Brock <Gustav at cactus.dk> wrote:

> Hi Arthur
> Yes, wasn't it Altos computers who promoted CP/M a lot?
> I mostly know it from the AVL Eagle which my company at that time (1978)
> had the dealership for.
> It came with 16K ram which could be expanded to 64K by inserting fullsize
> expansion boards of 16 K each at a small fortune.
> It was built to program multimedia slideshows ("multimedia extravaganzas"
> as the US guys called it if the the count of projectors were 15+ or so) but
> also ran WordStar with all its ..codes.
> /gustav
> >>> fuller.artful at gmail.com 29-09-13 14:32 >>>
> Hey Gustav. I still remember CP/M. DOS was the new pooch in town, and the
> attendant stories about Bill and Seattle Computer Products and the best $50
> ever spent, and Gary Kildall and his missed appointment with the IBM execsn
> who wanted to buy CP/M bla bla bla.
> Arthur
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