[dba-Tech] Printing from DOS to a networked Windows printer

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Sun Sep 29 10:28:10 CDT 2013

Hi Jim

Yes, that's how it is - in the meantime. Business has to continue.

No, that nice lawyer I have passed to one of my former employees who now runs his own IT service business as we don't do general hardware/software service for clients any more.


>>> accessd at shaw.ca 29-09-13 16:49 >>>
Hi Gustav:

This is an ancient Informix application from one of the very few clients I still support. Probably because there is not another person who still knows how to supports it. The core base is over twenty years old but it does absolutely everything their company needs...full accounting, inventory, invoicing, staffing and all the business and government reports etc etc. To replace it would cost the client's in the neighbourhood of fifty to a hundred K, minimum.

I would love to change it but it works and it is very fast. If they would give me 50K to start with and in a year they would have their old application replaced with a nice shiny new, super fast, fully portable web intranet system that runs on every platform... I have all the components picked out and ready to go; just waiting on their approval...but in the meantime... 

Are you still supporting that fine young lawyer? ;-)   

I am surprised at just how many ancient systems are out there. An old fellow could make a very good living just supporting these old relics. ;-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gustav Brock" <gustav at cactus.dk>
To: dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 1:50:22 AM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Printing from DOS to a networked	Windows	printer

Hi Jim

I'm curious. What are you doing? I mean printing from DOS ... I can't even recall when I did that last.

Oh, a couple of years ago I helped a young lawyer (she is very sweet! If not, I would have refrained from this) by installing a never-going-to-die custom accounting package in the dosbox virtual environment, she was forced to use.


>>> accessd at shaw.ca 28-09-13 23:59 >>>
Hi Gustav:

Thank you for that. I was planning on doing some serious testing next week...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gustav Brock" <Gustav at cactus.dk>
To: dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 2:09:42 PM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Printing from DOS to a networked Windows	printer

Hi Jim

To list ressources: Net view \\servername

First, map the printer with: Net use LPT1: \\server\printername

Write to the printer:

copy d:\filename lpt1: /b 
print /D:lpt1 d:\filename


>>> accessd at shaw.ca 28-09-13 19:23 >>>
Hi All:

If any of you have some techniques for printing to a Windows network printer from the command prompt I would be interested in knowing. Any other related issues I would also be eager to know.

There is a lot of stuff out on the web about such processes but I have a time limit to come up with the best and most flexible method for accomplishing this. Any suggestions or/and sample code would be greatly appreciated.



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