[dba-Tech] Facebook has been busy

Hans-Christian Andersen hans.andersen at phulse.com
Wed Mar 26 17:58:40 CDT 2014

Not only that, but it could have an impact on the perception and willingness to support projects via Kickstarter. Those who helped Oculus via Kickstarter see themselves as investors. But, they won’t get a dime out of this purchase. So now they feel like suckers and they no longer have any say in terms of the direction of the Oculus Rift. The whole thing stinks.

- Hans

On Mar 26, 2014, at 2:57 PM, Jim Lawrence <accessd at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Hi Hans:
> Good points there. Not sure where the PHP industry is going but PHP is probably the single largest web developer's market. Whether this new programming language will be adopted is anyone's guess but I would think a very slow level of acceptance.
> It is really too bad about Oculus Rift, one of the darlings of the Open Source Startup market and now it has been consumed by a company that has no idea what they have and what to do with it. It is definitely not a good fit. No one I have heard from is amused by the event...sad is a better description.
> Jim
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hans-Christian Andersen" <hans.andersen at phulse.com>
> To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, 26 March, 2014 2:20:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Facebook has been busy
>> Facebook has released a new version of PHP called Hack. It is fully OSS.
> Yeah… as cool as it is, there’s probably not much future for this outside of Facebook’s company. Not many people want to depend their business on an open source project controlled by one company.
>> Facebook to buy Oculus virtual reality firm for $2B
> And Oculus Rift went from being one of the most desired technologies to one of the least desired technologies.
> https://twitter.com/search?q=%40oculus_rift&src=tyah
> - Hans
> On Mar 26, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Jim Lawrence <accessd at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Facebook has released a new version of PHP called Hack. It is fully OSS.
>> http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-hack-programming-language-2014-3
>> According to the article; Facebook's New Programming Language — Hack — Is A Dream Come True For Engineers
>> Facebook to buy Oculus virtual reality firm for $2B
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/facebook-to-buy-oculus-virtual-reality-firm-for-2b-1.2586318
>> Jim
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