[dba-VB] http://northwind.codeplex.com

Doug Steele dbdoug at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 16:41:08 CDT 2009

Hi Shamil and crew:

I just downloaded the project and got it running.  I would have loved to
participate, but I'm pretty busy and I'm just going to have to satisfy my
curiosity by lurking.

I stumbled on the following site while checking out the report viewer; it
may be of some use to you:


Doug Steele

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Salakhetdinov Shamil <mcp2004 at mail.ru>wrote:

> Hi Arthur,
> No, you do not need to download Subversion - you can just download the
> current source code from:
> http://northwind.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/3814
> Please note *3814* is the latest full set of source files.
> When you get ot downloaded then:
> - unzip the archive;
> - attach db from \Database subfolder to your MS SQL 2005/2008 (Express)
> server (of course you can first copy these db files to your usual local
> location of db files);
> - start C# 2008 Express/VS 2008 Standard/Prof and open Northwind.Net.sln;
> - apply three SQL scripts from Northwind.NET.FE\Datasets\SQL subfolder;
> - correct connection string in Northwind.NET.FE project properties dialog
> to point to your SQL Server server (you can find info how to do that in a
> short video-clip located in \Tutorials subfolder)
> - compile/build/debug/run the application

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